Serving East Tennessee since 2004
Fully Licensed by the State of Tennessee
24 hour report turnaround
Over 10,000 homes inspected to date !
Agents and home buyers call us first for all of the above and more. Our standards are high and we do what it takes to exceed expectations; we stand behind our work to ensure that our clients are satisfied to the very end. Real Estate is not confined to business hours or other norms, and neither are we. Our phones and email are monitored and answered long after everyone else has closed up shop.
"High caliber professionals"- Martin
"One of the best in the industry"- Jen
"Thorough and knowledgeable"- Tayler
"Very detailed report"- Linda
Serving Knoxville and surrounding counties including Anderson, Blount, Roane, Loudon, Sevier, Monroe, Grainger, Union, McMinn, Jefferson and more
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Stewart Home Inspection
9111 Solway Ferry Road
Knoxville, TN 37931
Mailing Address
9111 Solway Ferry Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
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